Think with Google: Insights and Statistics on 2010 Learnings

Statistics from the above video:

  • 89% of consumers started their holiday shopping online.
  • Portable PC shoppers do an average of 14 searches during their shopping process.
  • Consumers exposed to Home Page adverts on YouTube are 4 times more likely to: visit the advertisers website, search for the brand or watch the companies YouTube videos.
  • ±60% of moms search for coupons or special offers.
  • For every 10 application searches driven online, search drives another 4.5 offline (financial advertisers).
  • Over 70% of TV, movies and gaming fans visit sites on the Google Display Network everyday.
  • Google Display Network reaches more vehicle buyers than any other portal.
  • 25% of auto purchasers utilise mobile web while researching their new vehicle.
  • 75% of patients research their symptoms online before discussing them with their doctors.
  • 40% of travelers search for consumer reviews before booking their next trip.

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